«Solar Radiation and Radiation Balance Data (The World Network)»

The World Radiation Data Centre has been publishing solar radiation data collected from the world radiometric network.

The issue "Solar Radiation and Radiation Balance Data (The World Network)" is presenting global and diffuse radiation data, radiation balance and sunshine duration data. The first monthly issue “Solar Radiation and Radiation Balance Data (The World Network). January 1964” appeared in 1965. Since 1993 the publication has been issued four times a year.

Distribution of bulletins has been organized among the national meteorological services and other institutions responsible for submission of solar radiation data to the WRDC.

Current issue:

The archive quarterly publications, since 1993, is here

Scanned copies of historical monthly publications are here.

URL-address of this page: http://wrdc.mgo.rssi.ru/wwwrootnew/publc_en.htm

The publisher's address:

Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory
Karbyshev Street, 7
194021, St.Petersburg,
Russian Federation

Phone: 7 (812) 297-43-90
Fax: 7 (812) 297-86-61
e-mail: director@voekovmgo.ru
Web: http://voeikovmgo.ru